안녕하세요. 지난 번 사랑과 관련된 명언에 이어서 삶, 인생과 관련된 어록을 올려 봅니다. 오쇼 라즈니쉬의 어록은 언제봐도 참 감명 깊네요. 비판도 많이 받고 있지만, 인생의 절묘함을 포착해내는 능력은 정말 대단한 것 같습니다.
오쇼 라즈니쉬 인생 어록
In relationship, be blissful, in aloneness be aware and they will help each other, like two wings of a bird.
Nobody else can destroy you except you; nobody else can save you except you. You are the Judas and you are the Jesus.
The less the head, the more the wound will heal. No head there is no wound. Live a headless life. Move as a total being, and accept things.
When you really laugh for those few moments you are in a deep meditative state. Thinking stops. It is impossible to laugh and think together.
Mystic's Musings
Your real being only flowers with unconditional love. Ambition is against love. Anything that is against love is against you and your real life.
Don’t be bothered by perfection. Replace the word ‘Perfection’ by ‘Totality. Totality will give you a different dimension.
NOW is the only reality. All else is either memory or imagination.
Get out of your head and get into your heart. Think less, feel more.
The only thing that matters in life, is your own opinion about yourself.
All your knowledge is dust. Knowing is your purity, knowledge is dust.
Don’t be angry at life. It is not life that is frustrating you, it is you who are not listening to life.
Life is not logic, life is not philosophy. Life is a dance, a song, a celebration! It is more like love and less like logic.
Celebration is my attitude, unconditional to what life brings.
Life in itself is so beautiful that to ask the question of the meaning of life is simply nonsense.
Life is a mirror, it reflects your face. Be friendly, and all of life will reflect friendliness.
Whatever you are doing, don’t let past move your mind;don’t let future disturb you. Because the past is no more, and the future is not yet.
Fools are more healthy then the so-called wise. Thy live in the moment and they know that thy are fools, so thy are not worried about what others think about them.
Don’t be serious about seriousness. Laugh about it, be a little foolish. Don’t condemn foolishness; it has its own beauties.
It cannot be called freedom, a freedom which can choose only the right and not the wrong; then that is not freedom.
Only silence communicates the truth as it is.
Be. Don’t try to become. Within these two words, be and becoming, your whole life is contained. Being is enlightenment, becoming is ignorance.
If you love yourself, you will be surprised: others will love you. Nobody loves a person who does not love himself.
Lovers have known sometimes what saints have not known.
Love is not manageable, it is simply something that happens, and the moment you try to manage it everything misfire.
Your honesty, Your love, Your compassion should come from your inner being, not from teachings and scriptures.
If you clean the floor with love, you have done an invisible painting. Live each moment in such delight that it gives you something inner.
Never obey anyone’s command unless it is coming from within you also.
That’s why children look so beautiful because they are yet full of hope, full of dreams, and they have not yet known frustration.
You will come closer and closer to perfection, but you will never be perfect. Perfection is not the way of existence. Growth is the way.
Don’t analyze, celebrate it.
NOW is the only reality – all else is either memory or imagination.
The Mind: a beautiful servant, a dangerous master.
Whatsoever you hide goes on growing, and whatsoever you expose, if it is wrong it disappears, evaporates in the sun, and if it is right it is nourished.
Love brings freedom. Loyalty brings slavery.
Misery comes the moment you become clinging, attached. The moment you put conditions on life.
Die each moment so that you are renewed each moment.
Instead of pleasing, learn the art of happiness.
Happiness is an art that one has to learn. It has nothing to do with your doing or not doing.
Friendship is a relationship, friendliness is a state of your being. You are simply friendly; to whom, that is not the point. . .
Anger transformed becomes compassion. Sex transformed becomes prayer. Greed transformed becomes sharing.
Life is a mystery, and there is nothing to explain everything is just open, it is in front of you. Encounter it! Meet it! Be courageous!
Sadness comes, joy comes, and everything passes by. What remains always is the witness. The witness is beyond all polarities.
Freedom is our most precious treasure. Don’t lose it for anything. . . .
Forget about getting, simply give; and I guarantee you, you will get much.
Sadhguru Quotes
If you cannot love yourself, you don’t know even the taste of love or what love means.
Freedom is a ladder: one side of the ladder reaches hell, the other side touches heaven. It is the same ladder; the choice is yours.
Drop the idea that attachment and love are one thing. They are enemies. It is attachment that destroys all love.
Humanity will never be religious unless all organized religions disappear and religion becomes an individual commitment towards existence.
If jealousy disappears and love still remains, then you have something solid in your life which is worth having.
Giving love is the real beautiful experience, because then you are an emperor. Getting love is a very small experience. It is the experience of beggar.
Take it easy, and remember “Easy is Right.”
Love needs two things: it has to be rooted in freedom and it has to know the art of trust.
Possessiveness destroys love. And they should not be possessed, because that again destroys your love.
Nobody has the power to take two steps together; you can take only one step at a time.
Life begins where fear ends.
You are a great problem-creator. Just understand this and suddenly problems disappear.
This very moment you can drop all problems because they are your creation.
Life is absolutely balanced between the positive and the negative. Now it is your choice which side you want to be – in heaven or in hell.
The ego is an island in the ocean of Hell. You want to get rid of the Hell but you don’t want to get rid of that island. Then there is trouble.
Never sacrifice your life for anything! Sacrifice everything for life! Life is the ultimate goal.
People say love is blind because they do not know what love is. I say unto you, only love has eyes; other than love, everything is blind.
Love is not manageable, it is simply something that happens, and the moment you try to manage, everything misfires.
You don’t have any problems. Only this much has to be understood. This very moment you can drop all problems because they are your creations.
By ‘Love’ people mean a certain kind of monopoly understanding a simple fact: that the moment you possess a living being you have killed him.
You can become happy just by deciding to be happy.
A certain darkness is needed to see the stars.
We remain unnecessarily worried. All worries are futile because that which is going to happen is going to happen.
Love is the ultimate, the end. You love for love’s own sake. It is not a means to anything else, it is its own end.
Love is just like a breeze: it comes, but you should not close your doors to keep the breeze inside.
The only thing that matters in life is your own opinion about yourself, nobody can destroy your dignity then, because it is not dependent on anybody’s opinion.
I would like marriage to disappear completely from the world, and with marriage, divorce will disappear.
People are not things, you cannot have ownership.
Eyes which have lost their tears have lost their most beautiful, their most glorious treasure.
Never be ashamed of your tears. Be proud that you are still natural. Be proud that you can express the inexpressible through your tears.
One day you will disappear on a funeral pyre – just into nothingness, as smoke. Don’t get attached to anything.
You are creating your own hell.